Yoga studio Yoga Con Gracia Espacio Alegre Barcelona

Yoga Con Gracia Espacio Alegre

c/Alegre de Dalt 55, 3A

Yoga con Gracia is a yoga studio in Barcelona that has two beautiful spaces: Espacio Alegre at c/Alegre de Dalt 55, 3A and Espacio Norte at Plaza del Norte 11

The studio conducts classes in the styles of Hatha, Vinyasa, Jivamukti, prenatal, post-natal, and kundalini yoga. Yoga Con Gracia organises workshops with world known teachers such as Surinder Singh from India, John Friend and others.

Prices (as of September 2017) are quite simple:

Drop-in class costs 10 Euros.
Package of 5 classes costs 40 Euros
Package of 10 classes costs 80 Euros (valid for 3 months)
Unlimited access for 1 month costs 50 Euros (to one location only) or 60 Euros to both locations of the studio.

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