
Vedansha – The Institute of vedic science and alternative medicine founded by Dr.S.Pandey Ji . We cover education in whole vedic science (yoga & meditation, ayurveda, vedic astrology & vastu). Our special retreat programs help people to control their emotions, remove fears, to improve their life, find harmony and happiness. Therapy courses will help to support common and non-curative diseases

The founder, Yogachariya Dr. Sanjeev Pandey PhD, m.sc., (yoga therapy& naturopathy) is a himalayan yogi in 7th generation. He keeps family and university tradition of yoga during his long teaching practice and provides education and supplementary treatment according to the high level of ancient and modern standard of vedic science. Our institute accredited by international yoga alliance and alternative medical council Calcutta (india).

Dr Pandey spent more the 20 000 hours in deep meditative state Samadhi in himalayan mountains during his individual practice. He has more then 35 years of teaching experience of students from more then 160 countries.

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